Thursday, February 21, 2013

Week 4B

In this class we made storyboards of what we want our text to do in our next project.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Week 3A

Today in class we presented a few of the dreamscape projects that were due. We then went over what rhythm and pace are and we got started on our project that is due next week. Here is what I made in class.

Dream Video

Here is my video for the dream project.

Thursday, February 7, 2013


One dream that I had (that I can think of) is is that I somehow get superpowers, but they always keep changing. There is no actual "origin story" of how I get them, but it starts with me having the same powers a Spider-man and I am helping him fight against Sandman. Before the fight is over, I find myself with the X-Men, with the ability to control plants and animals. The only thing that I remember from this is that Rogue's life-force draining ability had no affect on me and my one friend had Wolverine's abilities.